I am a sucker for pretty papers and notebooks. I have been for as long as I can remember. I got a Rifle Paper Co., 2017, spiral-bound planner for Christmas from my boys. It’s crisp, new and feminine with its…
Today, our girl would be two-and-a-half years old. As time goes by, it gets harder and harder for me to wrap my head around what Lucy might be like right now. She would be the age that Oliver was when…
It happened eight days before Lucy’s birthday this year. My own personal, gray grief cloud rolled in to hang out with me through my every move. Dread set in, sadness, and a paralyzing apathy towards normal things in life. I…
Morning Tea in my “L” Mug
I was up super early this morning, 4:33am to be exact. I woke up for the one night nursing session that I still have with Ezra. He always wakes right around 4:30am and it is our best nursing session of…
When Love Grows
We have two kids with us, one born before Lucy and one born after. I look at our baby and my mind races through all that has occurred over the past nearly two years in our family. I can’t believe…
37 Weeks
It has been awhile since I have written a thoughtful post. You know, the kind that consists of me spilling out my feelings to you? That kind. : ) Blogging has been tricky for me. It’s not in my nature…