Ezra Jack Tomczak was born at 12:09am on April 6th. He was seven pounds, four ounces and twenty and a half inches long. Our hearts are overwhelmed with joy for the arrival of this little boy! Thank you so much…
37 Weeks
It has been awhile since I have written a thoughtful post. You know, the kind that consists of me spilling out my feelings to you? That kind. : ) Blogging has been tricky for me. It’s not in my nature…
Maternity Capsule Wardrobe
Raise your hand if you have a closet full of clothes, possibly even bursting at the seams. (raises two hands) Raise your hand if despite your full closet you still feel like you either have nothing to wear or that…
Maternity Style // Mint Top & Moto Boots
Shirt: Cherish (similar) // Jeans: H&M // Boots: Frye // Necklace: Madewell (similar) My yard is pure white! Luckily I was able to get these photos taken before we got hit with a huge ice storm. We have been stuck…
32 Weeks
I was a ball of nerves for weeks before Lucy’s birthday. I felt really paralyzed. There were heaps of laundry, a messy house and unproductive days. When we got to the other side of it, I was not feeling much…
One Year
Two days ago, Lucy would have turned one year old if she was still here with us. I had been dreading this day for months, scared of what it would feel like. I don’t want her and the memories of…